In Chile’s capital city, no good wall goes untouched. In almost every area of Santiago we found ample graffiti and street art. The award for the highest concentration of street art is held by the Bellavista neighborhood, but we found great pieces just about everywhere. We love cities with a good urban art scene, and Santiago definitely delivered.
I’ll have a lot to say about our time in Santiago, and soon. But as I was writing that post, I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to fit in all of the unique art we found during our stay. It wasn’t just paint on a wall either. We found a number of very detailed mosaics that were quite impressive and must’ve taken forever to create.
Of course there is lots of junk graffiti too, but I’ve waded through that to provide you with the gems. A few of these may have been posted by my social media manager (aka Katie) on our Instagram, but the majority should be new. So this post is just an excuse for me to share the best street art we found. I’ve loosely grouped them into portraits, animals, mosaics, graffiti, and others. I hope it gives you a nice taste of this artistic capital city.

Stunning street art – looking forward to your follow up post.. Chile is definitely on our future travel list..!
Hi Ryan,
Santiago turned out to be chocked full of it. I recommend it.
i’m amazed that this quality of art is simply done on walls etc. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos.
Hi Lyn,
Some of it really is impressive. It could certainly be in a museum somewhere.
So colorful and beautiful! Looking forward to your write up about the city!
Hi Melissa,
Thanks for your comment. Glad you enjoyed it.
Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Purple,
Good to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by!
How incredible!! Wow, I would definitely be drawn to this city. The stories behind the art and artist always intrigue me. Thank you for sharing parts of the world I would never see otherwise. So captivating!
Hi Glenda,
The city is definitely colorful. I’m happy to share.
Eric, Thank-you so much sharing your adventures. This street art is amazing. The colors nad images created are so intricate. I am pleased that the governmnet of this city doesn’t destroy this vibrant talent.
Hi Anne,
There’s definitely a lot of talent scattered around. We had fun searching for it. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Really impressive. Thank you for sharing. I was trying to find a favorite but they all are. Looking forward to your post about Santiago.
Hi KJ,
I think you read my mind a little. I was going to ask any commenters to name their favorite, and then I couldn’t pick one myself, so I left that out. Haha.